Whether a burglary, fire, flood, or a different threat, there are a number of possible risks to your home every day. Despite these risks, you can still protect your family's assets and beloved heirlooms by purchasing a safe. When choosing a safe for your home, it's important to know how to select and install a safe that meets your needs. Below are some of the most common mistakes in regard to home safes — keep these in mind so that you can avoid the same blunders during your purchasing decision.

1. Choosing a Safe That's Too Heavy or Too Light

The weight of the safe should be a factor you consider, and the weight you choose will be dependant on where you plan on installing the safe. Be cautious when selecting a new floor safe for the upper floor of your home: if you choose a heavy safe, you risk damaging your floor and you also create a safety hazard. But keep in mind that if you choose a safe that's too light, it makes it easy for burglars to walk away with it. If your safe is not particularly heavy, consider bolting it in place for extra security.

2. Choosing the Wrong Size Safe

Another consideration you'll need to make is the safe’s capacity. A good rule of thumb is to think about all of the things you want to keep in your safe, and then measure the space you have to store your safe. These considerations will help you make a good judgment call on the safe size you need. If you have the room, buy a bigger safe than you think you may need. You never know when you might find another valuable possession or an important document that you want to keep secure in your safe.

3. Selecting the Wrong Type of Safe

There's no “one-size-fits-all” safe, and so the items you want to store in the safe will dictate the safe that's right for you. For instance:
  • A wall safe is great for storing files and paperwork, but these safes can't support much weight. You shouldn’t use wall safes for all of your belongings.
  • Floor safes are a good bet for storing jewelry, precious metals, and hard drives. But most floor safes are not fire resistant.
  • Gun and pistol safes are specifically designed to store guns. They feature pry-proof materials and complex locking technology to reduce access or the risk of an accident.
  • Burglary safes are made using thick steel to minimize the chances of anyone breaking into your safe and taking your valuables.
  • Fire-resistant safes and moisture-resistant safes protect valuables from water, heat, and smoke damage. Keep in mind that these types of safes are designed for fire or moisture resistance and not for burglary resistance.
There are many styles of home safes available, and you're not limited to one choice. If you have a variety of possessions you want to protect, consider buying multiple safes.

4. Not Spending Enough on Your Safe

It's important not to let your desire to save money compromise your level of protection. You should never settle for less defense than you need. A high-quality safe will be harder to break into, and it might come with additional benefits like fire and smoke resistance. Paying a little extra in the short-term could mean saving more in the long-term.

5. Overlooking Accreditation

You won’t have to guess about the level of security you’re getting from a safe. Most home safes will have accreditations by the Underwriters Laboratory (U.L.) that show how effective the safe is against burglary, fire, and other conditions. It’s important to note that safes can be accredited for various types of protection. Fire resistance is rated on a numerical scale based on the time the safe can be exposed to heat, while burglary protection is rated on a scale of B to G. Talk to an expert if you need help clarifying any accreditations or ratings. Protecting your valuables is a good idea for any homeowner, and a good safe can help you achieve the level of security you want for peace of mind. For the best protection, you need to make sure that you choose the right type of safe and install it properly in your home. Talk to the experts at Western Safe today about the types of safes that are available to you.
Home safes