8 Places Burglars Rarely Search in a Home
More than 2 million burglaries are reported in the U.S. every year – and 66% of them are residential. When it comes to home type and seasons, burglaries run the gamuts: Renters are just as likely as homeowners to have a break-in and although warmer months see a spike in home invasions, no season is safe. With this level of prevalence and unpredictability, it’s essential that every person protect his or her belongings. Once inside a home, smart burglars know exactly where to look first. You might think you were slick hiding your jewelry in the medicine cabinet or at the bottom of an underwear drawer, but those are actually a few of the first places burglars look when entering a home. Instead of leaving your items vulnerable to being found in common home hiding places, check out these more covert options instead: